إجمالي مرات مشاهدة الصفحة

الثلاثاء، 5 أبريل 2011


king cobra

KING COBRA:King Cobra Snakes: In the dark forest lands in India, I drag the hungry oh so hungry.
The smell of food and prey in the air.

king cobra

In a basin of water, I splashed and return to Earth in search of lizards, rats, anything to alleviate the terrible famine. I’m black with yellow spots, but I’m not bad, not like most people, I’m afraid. Yes, I am dangerous, but it’s not a danger when it strikes. The only difference is that I spit venom, and you do not … Yes, I Ophiophagus Hannah, Yes, I am King Cobra!

King Cobra at 18.5 meters, the world’s longest venomous snake.

king cobra

* Life of King Cobra is an average of 20 years.
* At full maturity King Cobra can weigh up to 20 pounds.
* King Cobra or olive-green, yellow, yellow, olive or pale yellow. In India, there are varieties that are yellow and black. And in China there are those who are black and brown with white and ivory.
* King Cobra is defined by its distinctive hood, which is displayed when aligns her neck, giving him a blanket form.
* The poison of the king cobra can kill a man with one bite, the reason is that the neurotoxic venom.
* King Cobra is primarily found in Southeast Asia, northern India and south-eastern China. Is also in the Malay Peninsula to the west of Indonesia and the Philippines.
* King Cobra prefers to live near water such as lakes and rivers.
* King Cobra population is in decline due to deforestation and other parts of its natural habitat.
* King Cobra feels its prey by using its forked tongue, and it is something that lifts odors and transmit it to the specific sensory receptors, also called Jacobson’s organ.
* Prey tracking is also keen eyesight, sensitivity to vibration and intelligence.
* King cobra to swallow their prey whole, it is convenient because of its extremely flexible jaws that are connected by ligaments so flexible.
* King Cobra eats and eats mainly other snakes, venomous or poisonous or not. When he can not find the snake, she must rely on lizards, birds and other rodents.
* King Cobra uses its neurotoxic venom as a protective mechanism, but if he is faced with natural predators (which are resistant to the poison), they try to escape. Or they will resort to the formation of the hood and hissing.
* As part of its courtship ritual, and in competition with other men, the king cobras, two snakes compete for standing, and the winner of the one who keeps the head of other snakes. It is an act of domination.
* King cobra snake venom contains proteins and polypeptides, and neurotoxic. It invades the nervous system is now pain, blurred vision, dizziness, drowsiness and paralysis. Coma and death due to failure of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems.
* Only for the King Cobra bite antivenom is produced in Thailand and India, are not always available and may be in short supply.
* Although the King Cobra is the most dangerous snake, quite solitary and shy reptile. This will avoid confrontation as much as possible with people. More deadly than the King Cobra are monocle cobras, Russel Viper, and Krait bands.
* The king cobras actually make nests for eggs. Women of King Cobra to collect materials for nest building it, and then defer up to 50 eggs per nest. Then it will fester for nearly 80 days. Men King Cobra during this period will be for the protection of women and egg to hatch eggs.
* Newborn King Cobra is almost 20 inches long with a black and white when they hatch.

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